Friday, June 29, 2012

If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you are with.

Hello everyone! This will be a short post since I am still adjusting to being in Europe, in the ashram (temple), the 6 hour time difference, and the internet connection, but I  wanted to let you all know I arrived safely. So far I love it here! The people I have met are very wonderful, the city (or what I have seen so far) is beautiful and clean, and everyone here seems to know at least more than two languages, which is really quite impressive! 

Thankfully I have not succumbed to being jet lagged (but I have slept a bit during the day.) Someone I met on the plane suggested I walk barefoot in order to adjust to the electromagnetic field of the country, and following his advise I have been barefoot most of the time and long and behold I think it might work. Someone else try and do this and let me know if it works for you too! I have been working around the temple doing all sorts of chores -Gurudeva arrives tomorrow and we are all very excited to see him!

This is it for now, I will post pictures of Berlin and the temple soon, my friends!
(This weekend I'm heading to Sweden)


This is a little snack we had yesterday (though I believe I'm having a little bit of trouble uploading pictures from my iPad - I decided not to take my laptop because of it's weight, and now Im kinda regretting it. Im borrowing people's computers and the European keyboard with the 'Y' and the 'Z' switched up can get troublesome after a while)

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